
Service of the Statement of Affairs and the Statement of Personal Information on the Official Assignee and the Publication of the Notice of Adjudication

In order to (1) facilitate the efficient administration of bankrupt estates, (2) reduce the requirement for persons adjudicated bankrupt having to attend for interview at the Office of the Bankruptcy Division of the Insolvency Service of Ireland to be examined in relation to their assets and liabilities and (3) to reduce the burden of sometimes extensive correspondence between the Insolvency Service of Ireland and bankrupt persons  it is hereby directed as follows.

  1. On the day of adjudication, a person who has been adjudicated bankrupt on foot of his/her own petition, shall produce to the Bankruptcy Inspector or e-mail the Bankruptcy Division of the Insolvency Service of Ireland a copy of his/her Statement Affairs produced by him/her to the Examiners Office at the time of the filing of his/her Petition under Section 11(5) of the Bankruptcy Act, together with a Statement of Personal Information. These documents should be provided to the Insolvency Service of Ireland on the day of adjudication and as soon as possible after the making of the adjudication order.
  2. Debtors must ensure the timely filing of documents and replies to the Bankruptcy Division of the Insolvency Service of Ireland and to the Examiners Office of the High Court. The documents filed in these offices must be accurate and complete. Compliance with these directions will reduce the need for either of these offices to contact debtors during the application process or after the making of the adjudication order.
  3. A debtor must publish a Notice of Adjudication of Bankruptcy on the website of the Insolvency Service of Ireland and in Iris Oifigiúil no later than 21 days after his / her order of adjudication of bankruptcy.

These directions are of immediate effect.

Dated 16th day of  August 2016
Peter Kelly
President of the High Court

High court