
Covid-19: Good Practice Guidance

I, Mary Irvine, President of the High Court, hereby issue the following practice direction in accordance with s. 11 (12) and (13) of the Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020.

Practice directions 91, 92 and 94 are hereby revoked.

In light of the lifting by Government of many of the public health emergency measures introduced as a result of Covid-19 and the Government’s recently published Transitional Protocol (31st January 2022) which provides guidance for how best to continue to prevent the spread of Covid-19, everyone attending the High Court until further notice:

i. is required to comply with all current public health advice;
ii. is asked to abide by Courts Service guidance as to the capacity of all courtrooms;
iii. is required to wear a face mask unless giving evidence, addressing the court or otherwise directed by the trial judge.

Legal Practitioners and members of the public are urged to continue to abide by best practice in terms of hand hygiene and to stay at home, isolate and test if symptomatic for Covid-19. Finally, regardless of the lifting of the 2m social distancing requirement, everyone is asked, when positioning themselves in a courtroom, to be mindful of the sensitivities of others to the risk of transmission of Covid-19 and where possible to continue to avail of some level of social distancing.

Mary Irvine.
President of the High Court

High court