
Asylum, immigration and citizenship list

1. Proceedings to which this Practice Direction applies

This Practice Direction applies, save where otherwise specified herein, to:

(a). any proceedings which include relief subject to s. 5 of the Illegal Immigrants (Trafficking) Act 2000 as amended from time to time;

(b). any other proceedings which include relief related to asylum, subsidiary protection, immigration, freedom of movement, naturalisation, citizenship, marriages, civil partnerships or relationships alleged to have been entered into for immigration advantage, or areas related to any of the foregoing; and

(c). any proceedings which include relief as to EU law rights related to any of the foregoing matters.


See full text of this practice direction (dated 17 December 2018) here > HC81 - Asylum, immigration and citizenship list

See explanatory note to this practice direction here > Explanatory Note to HC81

High court