
Personal insolvency list

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Order 76A Rule 17 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (which provides inter alia that, an application for an order to extend a protective certificate be brought by notice of motion), in circumstances where the Insolvency Service of Ireland is consenting to the making of such an order, such applications may be made ex parte to the Court.
  2. Save in respect of an application to issue a Protective Certificate or an application under paragraph 1 above, all applications in the Personal Insolvency List require lodgment of all of the necessary papers in support of the application in a bound, indexed and paginated form with the Central Office marked “Personal Insolvency List” not later than 4.30pm on the preceding Wednesday. In the case of appeals from the Circuit Court, it is the responsibility of the Appellant to lodge the papers. In all other cases, in the absence of an order to the contrary, it is the responsibility of the Personal Insolvency Practitioner to do so.
  3. Practitioners are required to identify themselves at the calling of each case in the list and to specifically confirm on whose behalf they are acting.

This Practice Direction comes into force on the 14th day of January 2019

Dated 11th January 2019


Peter Kelly
President of the High Court

High court