
Court funds - payment out of funds - stamp duty

With effect from Monday 2nd October 2000 when orders of the court, or Master of the High Court, directing payments from funds in court are made or notices of acceptance of lodgment are filed pursuant to Order 22 Rule 4 of the Rules of the Superior Courts, the following arrangement will apply for the discharge of stamp duty and the issue of drafts in respect of such payments.

1. The Accountant of the Courts of Justice will calculate stamp duty payable on any drafts, deduct the same from the funds in court and pay it directly to the Chief Clerk of the Dublin Metropolitan District Court.

2. The Accountant will then post the cheques (less by the amount of the stamp duty) to the solicitor who is on record for the payee.

3. Where notice of acceptance is lodged and the defendant is entitled to the accrued interest on the sum lodged, a draft for same, less stamp duty (if any) will be posted to the solicitor on record for the defendant by the Accountant of the Courts of Justice.

4. Practitioners should note that, for the purpose of perfecting the court order, the registrar will require the name and current address of each Solicitor on record for inclusion in the schedule to the order.

5. The payment schedule to High Court and Master's Court orders made on and after the 2nd day of October 2000 shall incorporate the necessary directions to implement this change.

Frederick R. Morris
President of the High Court
September 2000

High court