Castlebar Court Office
How to get there: The courthouse is located in the centre of the town on the Mall beside the Garda Station, County Council Headquarters and the County Library.
By road: - from Dublin direction on N5, go straight through the first roundabout. At the second roundabout, turnright. Follow the road down to a park area which is the Mall. The courthouse is on the corner as you come onto the Mall. - from Westport direction on N5, go right at the first roundabout. At the second roundabout, turn left. Follow the road down to a park area which is the Mall. The courthouse is on the corner as you come onto the Mall.
From the railway station: Proceed out the main entrance of the station and walk straight onto the main road. Continue in the same direction until reaching a roundabout. Proceed straight through this roundabout, down Spencer Street. Follow the road down to a park area which is the Mall. The courthouse is on the corner as you come onto the Mall.
Bus: There is no bus station in Castlebar - buses stop at a number of locations.
Local facilities: Parking: on-street pay parking is available in the vicinity of the courthouse.
Additional contact details: Mayo circuit court lists: MayoCCDiary@courts.ie
Other information: County Registrar Mr. Fintan Murphy
Castlebar Court Office is situated in Castlebar Courthouse.
District No 3 Terms & Sittings
Related Links
District Court Rules
District Court Sittings
District Court Fees
District Court Forms
Enforcement of Judgments
Business of the Office
Small Claims
Payment of Court Fees and Excise Duty