Accountant of the Courts of Justice

3rd Floor, Phoenix House, 15/24 Phoenix Street North Smithfield Dublin 7. D07 X028
+353 1 888 6106
Email: / /
Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 16:00
Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 16:00
Other Information: 

Hours of business:

Christmas Eve: 10.00. - 12.00

Closed: 'Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day and the 7 next following days, St. Patrick's Day, Good Friday and Monday and Tuesday of Easter Week and the days duly appointed to be observed as public holidays in public offices - Order 118 RSC.

Additional contact details:

Accounts Receivable section: (for queries with regards to lodgements, requesting a receipt etc)

Accounts Payable section: (for queries with regards to making payment out, requesting personal application forms etc)

Personal Application Form

Control & Reporting: (for requests regarding certificate of funds etc)

Fax: +353 1 873 0460

DX: Courts Service Accountant of the Courts of Justice - 263004 - Phoenix House

Business of the office
(Click for information on Funds in Court, Investment of Funds and related links)

Gnó na hoifige
(Cliceáil air le faisnéis a fháil ar Chistí sa Chúirt, Infheistiú Cistí agus naisc ghaolmhara)