Four Courts

Central Office of the High Court

Ground Floor (East Wing), Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7
+353 1 888 6016
Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 16.30
Book Appointment
Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 16.30
Head of Office: 
Ms. Naomi Tamblyn
DX: Central Office of the High Court - 276001 – Gandon Building
Other Information: 

Attendance to the Central Office is by appointment. 
Appointments can be made via or by calling + 353 1 888 6016.
If you have an urgent appointment, please email
Alternatively, you may avail of our Walk-Up Service by registering your name on the Sign-in sheet located in the Waiting Area. This service is available between 10 am and 4 pm.
Please note that the above is only applicable to appointments at the Public Counters and does not apply to appointments for the Judgments and Deed Poll Sections. Please email to make appointments for these sections (see below).
If you need to change or cancel your appointment, it is important that you do this as soon as possible to make the appointment available to others. 
Cancelling or rescheduling an appointment is easy. This can be done by accessing the link in the email notification sent to you. 

Communication with the Central Office is strictly by phone or email. 

Virtual Tour

Click on the Virtual Tour link to take an interactive virtual tour of our court building.

Hours of business:

These are regulated by Order 118 of Rules of the Superior Courts as follows:
Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 16.30
Christmas Eve: 10.00 - 13.00
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day and the 7 next following days, St. Patrick's Day, Good Friday and Monday and Tuesday of Easter Week and the days duly appointed to be observed as public holidays in public offices - Order 118 Rules of the Superior Courts

List Room High Court - Notice of change in operating hours.

Please note that effective from 5 December 2022, The List Room of the High Court new opening hours will be as follows:

Monday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 to 16.30
Tuesday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 to 16.30
Wednesday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 to 16.30 
Thursday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 to 16.30
Friday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 to 16.30

About the Central Office of the High Court:

You can commence your case or file documents in the Central Office of the High Court in person or by post.
Stamp Duty  – MUST be obtained in the Stamp Office at Áras Uí Dhálaigh prior to arrival. 
The Central Office will no longer accept letters of authority, provided by parties, authorising a person to file documents or to collect documents.
Litigants attending should be in a position to provide proof of identity when requested.

Additional contact details:

Judgments Monetary: 
Judgments (written):
Deed Poll / General Power of Attorney:
The service for deed poll personal callers is available Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.00 am - 12.30 pm (By Appointment only)
Hague Convention: 
European Order for Payment: 
Redress payment enquiries:
Requests for plain copy perfected orders: 
To confirm if an order is perfected, please refer to the High Court Search
Attested High Court Orders: Please make an appointment at the Public Counter
Copy documents and daily file retrieval:

Master of the High Court

For all matters in which the Master has responsibility.
Other information: Deputy Master John Glennon

Virtual Court Links – High Court

Where (a) a hearing is being conducted on a fully remote basis and (b) where one or more of the parties wishes to participate remotely in the case of a hybrid hearing, it will be necessary to obtain the relevant log in details.

For members of the legal profession, Virtual Courtroom Login Details for individual High Court Judges can be found at the following websites:

For anyone who is unrepresented and a party to a matter before the High Court please contact When contacting please provide the name of the case, record number, court date and Judge (if known) and how you are associated with the matter before the court i.e. plaintiff, defendant, respondent or other.

Due to limits on the number of participants for which the remote hearing platform has capacity, please ensure you make your connection proximate to when your matter will be called and, when finished, please ensure to disconnect to ensure others can access the remote hearing.

Contacting High Court Judges

Judges are impartial in the conduct of their functions, which are administered in public. They do not enter into correspondence with parties or anyone else regarding cases before the courts. It is not appropriate to write to them or to speak to them privately.
The only means of addressing a judge about an issue in a case is in open court at a hearing by the legal representative of a party or the party themselves (where self-represented).

Urgent matters on non-sitting days

During the court vacations and at weekends and public holidays the High Court does not generally schedule sittings.  
If you have an urgent matter on days when the court is not sitting, you should contact the Four Courts on (01) 8886000.  You will be referred to the Duty Registrar who will make arrangements to communicate with a Judge and liaise with you for urgent applications, if appropriate. 
(Arrangements for Long Vacation 2024)


Media enquiries should be directed to Curran Communications Limited. Contact Gerry Curran at 01-8886469 or