Dublin Criminal Courts Office
Click on the link to take an interactive virtual tour of our court building.
General Enquiries Office, 4th Floor:
District Court +353 1 798 8003/ Email: districtcourtccjmail@courts.ie
District Court Appeals +353 1 798 8007 / Email: dcaccj@courts.ie
Circuit Court +353 1 798 8006/ Email: circuitcourtccjmail@courts.ie
Central Criminal Court +353 1 798 8605/ Email: centralcriminalcourtccjmail@courts.ie
Fax: +353 1 6400 111 or +353 1 6400 115
Special Criminal Court: specialcrim@courts.ie
Bail Office, Ground Floor:
Hours: Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 12.45 and 14.00 until close of business.
Telephone: + 353 1 798 8001/ Email: districtcourtccjmail@courts.ie
Fax: +353 1 6400 116
For more information on bail, please click here.
Jury Office:
Telephone: +353 1 798 8008 / Email: dublinjuryoffice@courts.ie
District Criminal Business
Enquiries relating to outstanding bench warrants, court dates, court results, bail applications / approval of sureties, lodgement of appeal, legal aid, applications for copy orders and police property applications are dealt with on a daily basis.
Administrative back up is provided to the court by way of issuing remand /committal / trial / extradition and bench warrants. Appeals are processed and legal aid claims are certified for payment.
All appropriate documentation is prepared in readiness for each court sitting.
- information, complaints and summary charges in respect of which an accused shall have been arrested except proceedings under section 8 of the Enforcement of Courts Orders Act, 1940 and Courts (No.2) Act, 1986
- proceedings for the estreating of any recognisance which is entered into consequent on an order made and applications to vary or discharge
- garda applications for warrants of arrest or search
- applications under the Police (Property) Act, 1897
- applications for Free Legal Aid
- bail applications / approval of sureties
- extensions of time to appeal, bail applications for the purposes of appeal and lodgement of appeal papers.
- breach of community service orders
- breach of probation
- sending forward for trial of indictable crimes and offences and hearing on summary charge ancillary to such crimes and offences
Circuit Criminal Business
The Circuit Court has jurisdiction to try all indictable offences, with the exception of those (such as murder, treason and piracy) reserved exclusively for trial before the Central Criminal Court.
Cases to be tried before the Circuit Court are initially returned before the District Court and, when ready to be sent forward for trial, are returned by that court to the Circuit Court for trial.
A defendant who pleads guilty in the District Court to an offence triable on indictment may, depending on the nature of the offence and provided certain conditions are met, be sent forward to the Circuit Court for sentence. Sentencing is done by the judge alone.
The trial of an offence tried in the Circuit Criminal Court is conducted before a judge and jury, on a document known as the indictment (often also called the 'bill of indictment'), which is a technical document specifying the name of the accused, the court of trial, the offences which the accused is charged and particulars of the offence.
The Circuit Court’s territorial jurisdiction is exercised in circuits. Generally, a case is triable in the circuit in which the offence is alleged to have been committed, the accused was arrested or in which the accused person was arrested or resides.
Dublin Criminal Courts Office is situated in the Dublin Criminal Courts of Justice.
Related Links
Circuit Court Rules
District Court Rules
Circuit Court Sittings
District Court Sittings
Circuit Court Fees
District Court Fees
Superior Court Forms
Circuit Court Forms
District Court Forms
Enforcement of Judgments
Business of the Courts
Circuit Criminal
District Criminal
Payment of Court Fees and Excise Duty