If you work with us, we can help you improve your education. A better education will improve your chances of getting a better job when you finish the programme.
We do seven subjects for FETAC certification which is the same as a Junior Certificate. This is a stepping stone to applying to colleges of further education to help you chose a career and different lifestyle.
We provide meditation, peer support, addiction awareness / information classes to support you with your recovery. We also have check-in groups on Monday and Friday to help support you over the weekends.
We provide health and fitness classes and gym membership to increase your fitness levels which is proven to reduce stress and combat depression which in turn helps you with your recovery.
We provide career guidance to help you find a job, or continue with another education programme which helps in creating a new lifestyle.
The education programme starts at 10am until 2pm Monday to Friday. We have a breakfast club from 9am to 9.30am.