Please note that this new system will apply to Case Progressions only
The County Registrar is prepared to hear any Motions provided there is compliance with the new system as set out in earlier emails but this will need the full cooperation of the Professions. In light of the foregoing the present system and days for the normal listing of Case Progressions may be parked for the duration.
The proposed system which will be introduced is as follows;
1 - There will be a Case Progression Preliminary List issued next week for 5th June 2020.
2 - That not later than 26th May 2020 the Initiating Solicitor will advise the County Registrar by email as to whether the CP is proceeding or is being adjourned. The County Registrar's email address is "".
In emailing the Office the "Subject" panel of the email should set out the list number and name of the case in full.
3 (i) - If the Case Progression is compromised the Office should be advised of same not later than 26th May. The terms of agreement should be set out and an Order will issue from the Office in due course. In this regard it will be necessary for the Solicitor for the Opposing Party should similarly email the Office confirming the terms of the agreement reached. If same is not received then the matter will be adjourned to the next CPPL.
If the compromise related to a Final CP Order it is a precondition to the granting of a that Order that the Solicitors for each Party certify that there is no matter outstanding and that case is ready to proceed.
4 - Then within 5 days of the hearing date the Office will prepare the Case Progression Final List in which the cases proceeding will be listed for hearing at intervals of 10 minutes.
If it is thought that any matter should take longer than 10 minutes the Solicitors for both Parties should advise the Office of the estimated time and this will be allowed for the in the listing.
5 - The Initiating Solicitor or a solicitor from his / her firm or her/his Barrister will require to be in attendance. Agents will not be entitled to represent any party.
6 - The time for the hearing of matter will be strict and any matter will not be heard in any form before the time allotted and will only be heard after the time set out if the proceeding matter takes longer than the time allotted it.
7 - Costs will be an issue in any matter where there is non-compliance with the foregoing.
I trust you will appreciate the necessity for the strict format and presentation of any matter which I would hope will be for the benefit of all.