The High Court Summary Judgment Lists will resume by way of remote hearing commencing on Monday the 12th day of April 2021, and continuing each Monday thereafter.
In light of the current restrictions, Motions for the Sitting will not be heard and will remain adjourned generally until such time as they can be heard by way of physical hearing - all other motions will be heard by way of remote hearing
A paginated and indexed booklet of motion papers in respect of motions to be heard by way of remote hearing is required to be lodged no later than 4.30 pm on the preceding Thursday. Failure to do so will result in the Motion not being heard.
The booklet of motion papers must be in an envelope clearly marked with the wording “Summary Judgment List Monday” and the date listed. This should be delivered to the List Room which is situated on the Ground Floor of the Four Courts Building (beside the Central Office). Please email to make an appointment to lodge the papers. Please indicate in that email the name of the person who will deliver the booklet of motion papers.
When a Motion has been dealt with by the Judge or has been adjourned to another date, the papers must be collected from the List room by Wednesday noon by emailing . Papers will not be retained to the adjourned date
The Virtual Courtroom Number and relevant instructions for practitioners will be made available to members shortly through the Law Society of Ireland and the Bar of Ireland websites
Law Society of Ireland -
Bar of Ireland Members Area:
Consent Orders relating to the Summary Judgment List may be emailed to the List Registrar no later than 3pm on the preceding Friday. If you miss this deadline, you will have to appear remotely instead at start of the Motion list (10.30 am) to make your application for the consent Order.
Applications to adjourn motions on consent and applications for Orders on Consent will be dealt with remotely at 10.30 o'clock by the Registrar in the Court to which the lists are assigned.
Practitioners are required to inform the Court if the hearing of any Motion is likely to exceed 15 minutes.
The numbering in the list below relates to the number allocated on the original hearing date according to the High Court tracking system.
Any queries in relation to the list can be addressed by email to
Your attention is also drawn to Practice Direction HC89 in relation to consent orders
Full Listings for the dates available in the: Legal Diary