High Court Civil Proceedings – List Room
Save where otherwise directed or provided for by specific Practice Direction (such as HC 93), all papers for applications and proceedings must be lodged in hard copy by 12 noon on the Thursday preceding the proposed hearing date. Papers should be delivered to the List Room which is situated on the Ground Floor of the Four Courts Building (beside the Central Office).
Please email listroomhighcourt@courts.ie to make an appointment to lodge the papers. Please indicate in that email the name of the person who will deliver the papers.
Motion papers
A paginated, bound and indexed booklet of motion papers in respect of motions to be heard by way of remote hearing must be lodged by noon on the preceding Thursday. The booklet of motion papers must be clearly marked with the List to which it refers (e.g. Chancery, Common Law, JR ex parte etc)
The onus is on the solicitor for the moving party to ensure that the booklet is in the correct format in accordance with the Court’s direction or the relevant HC Practice Direction. Check the heading of each list in the Legal Diary for additional information.
When a matter has been adjourned in a Monday Motion list, the papers must be collected from the List room by Wednesday noon by emailing listroomhighcourt@courts.ie. Papers will not be retained to the adjourned date.
Boxes of papers for actions may also be lodged in the List Room, and clearly marked for the relevant Court and list (e.g. Commercial, Non Jury etc). Email listroomhighcourt@courts.ie to make an appointment, stating the name of the person who will deliver the papers.
Legal Diary
Parties and their legal representatives are asked to closely monitor the Legal Diary and the Courts Service website for information regarding High Court civil proceedings during the current Government restrictions relating to Covid-19.
Pat Treacy
Principal Registrar