This is the date of the Annual Licensing Court (ALC) applicable to the Court venue attaching to this clerkship to be held in September 2024.
Please see https://www.courts.ie/elicensing for further information.
All applications must be made through CSOL (Court Service Online) and the appropriate book of proofs lodged in the Court office no later than the 18/09/2024. Anything received after that date will be adjourned to the second Annual Licencing Court date i.e., 07/11/2024
It is therefore advisable to place newspaper advertisements as early as possible.
Under no circumstances will manual applications or late applications be accepted by our office.
If you have issues with CSOL you should contact the helpdesk at CASU@Courts.ie as local offices cannot assist you.
Yours sincerely
Lisa Malone
Combined Office Manager
Carlow Court Office.
NB: There will be only two adjournement dates this year:: Thursday 7 November 2024 at 10.30am and Thursday 2 January 2025 at 10.30am
The following are the types of Applications that are dealt with at the Annual Licensing Court:
- Annual Dance Licence
- Public Music and Singing Licence
- Certificate of Transfer
- Renewal of Certificate of Registration
- Restaurant Certificate Full
- Wine/Spirit/Beer Retailers Licence
Please Note:
- In the majority of applications CSOL will automatically notify the Notice Parties and proof of service is no longer required. The details of notice parties is only provided in this document to indicate the specific Notice period pertaining to the application. If there is an issue with a particular Notice Party contact CASU or you may have to serve them manually in which case a declaration of service will be required.
- All Fees are payable through CSOL
- Applications such as Ad Interim Transfer, Lottery Licence, Lottery Licence-Bingo can be made at the Annuall Licensing Court but can also be dealt with in the Applications list at any other Wednesday sitting of the District.
- Gaming Licences are not appropriate for the Annual Licensing Court as they are valid from 1 January to 31 December each year. Waiting until the Annual Licensing Court may mean that you are operating without a licence for 9 months.