The President of the High Court has assigned the following judges of the High Court to be the Judge in Charge of the following High Court lists for Michaelmas Term 2019 with effect from the 4th Nov
Naas Circuit Court Civil list for Friday 15th November, 2019 has been cancelled. All matters on this list are now listed for hearing on Wednesday 15th January, 2020.
Please note that the court sittings In Dundalk Circuit Court on the 3rd of December 2019 have been cancelled. The call over on Monday 7th of October 2019 will be to set down cases for the followin
The Courts Service will launch phase 1 of the High Court e-filing of legal cost adjudication applications on Courts Service Online (CSOL)
As of tomorrow, 11th September, Arklow District Court will sit in temporary accommodation to facilitate upgrade works of the Courthouse.
Ennis Courthouse - special sitting.
Circuit Court
South Eastern Circuit
The Annual Report for 2018 was launched this afternoon by Mr. Justice Frank Clarke and Minister For Justice Charlie Flanagan.
Practice Direction HC85 - Commercial list (PD HC 85) replaces Practice Direction HC50 of May, 2009.
The Courts Service is extending the current online pilot of eLicensing to solicitors’ firms who have licensing applications for premises within District Numbers 1, 2 and 6 (counties Donegal, Sligo,
Before starting this morning’s list, I would like to comment on one matter.