CIRCUIT                                                                           COUNTY OF

20.. No....

Between A.B., ........... Applicant

and C.D., ........... Respondent




I, ......... of ........., *(Counsel for the)*(Solicitor for the) * Applicant/*Respondent in the above-entitled proceedings, certify that the following pre-case progression steps have been completed on behalf of the * Applicant/*Respondent:

†1. In addition to completion of the pre-case progression steps on behalf of the * Applicant/*Respondent, I certify that the proceedings are ready for trial without the necessity for case progression.

†1. In addition to completion of the pre-case progression steps on behalf of the *Applicant/*Respondent, I certify compliance in full by the *Applicant/* Respondent with all orders made and directions given in case progression, copies of which orders are appended to this certificate.

[2. In particular, I certify that

(a) all pleadings have been delivered;

(b) Affidavits of Means have been served and vouched and there are no outstanding disputes or issues as regards vouching;

(c) Affidavits of Welfare have been served (if required);

(d) the issues in dispute between the parties are:

(e) all requests for particulars, discovery, interrogatories, inspection of documents, and/or inspection of real or personal property have been replied to and no disputes or issues are outstanding (if required);

(f) all expert and other reports (including valuations) required have been prepared and any experts have consulted with each other within for the purposes of—

(i) identifying the issues in respect of which they intend to give evidence,

(ii) where possible, reaching agreement on the evidence that they intend to give in respect of those issues (if required);

(g) all notices required to be served on pension trustees have been so served and proof of service filed (if required);

(h) all witnesses have confirmed availability to give evidence at trial (if required).]

The likely length of the trial is ...........

Specify any special arrangements, if any, required for witnesses, information and communications technology (including video conferencing) which require to be made for the trial................................

Dated ..........

(Signed) ................

*(Counsel for the) *(Solicitor for the) *Applicant/*Respondent

To: County Registrar at ...........

And to: ................. *(Solicitor for the) *Respondent/*Applicant

*delete where inapplicable

†one version only of paragraph 1 should be included: where Order 59, rule 38(6) applies, use the first alternative; where Order 59, rule 74(2) applies, use the second alternative.




Form 37X inserted by S.I. 207 of 2017, effective 14 June 2017.