CIRCUIT                                                                                             COUNTY OF

Certificate of Application of Requirements of Part 9 of the Criminal Justice Act 2006

(Section 96(3) Criminal Justice Act 2006)

Certificate no. .................................

Convicted person’s name ................................

Convicted person’s address ......................................

Convicted person’s date of birth ..................................

Applicant ...................................

Order made under.......*[section 89(3)] *[section 95(3)]...of the Criminal Justice Act 2006

Date of Order ...............................

Court Venue ..........................

On application to the Circuit Court made on the ..... day of .................., an order was made under *[section 89(3)] *[section 95(3)] of the Criminal Justice Act 2006 providing that the above named convicted person should be and the above named convicted person has become subject to the requirements of Part 9 of the Criminal Justice Act 2006.

Offence(s) of which the person was convicted





................................. County Registrar/Combined Office Manager / Nominated Signatory on behalf of the County Registrar

To be transmitted immediately to:

(1) The Detective Chief Superintendent, Garda National Drugs Unit, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2 Fax (01) 6669985

(2) The person convicted of the offence(s)

(3) *The person in charge of the place to which the person has been ordered to be imprisoned.

This form is to be used where an order is made under section 89(3) or section 95(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 2006 providing that a person be made subject to the requirements of Part 9 of the Criminal Justice Act 2006.

*Insert as appropriate



Forms 47A, 47B, 47C, 47D, 47E and 47F inserted by S.I. 169 of 2007, effective 22 May 2007; also modified in effect as regards signature/authentication by SI 583 of 2009, effective 11 January 2010.